+86 (21) 542 535 88

星期五, 02 8月 2019 09:31




It has come to our attention that an entity called “帕尼多(徐州)信息科技有限公司”, represented by its legal representative Xiao Bao, has filed and registered in Mainland China several trademarks quite similar/identical to our Company’s name [LITOKOL/丽多可], causing confusion among the public. Hereby we recall your attention on the main points of this case, with the aim to provide some useful clarifications.

Litokol Trademark 1


According to the information available on CTMO – China Trademark Office – public database [http://wsjs.saic.gov.cn], it appears that Xiao Bao, throughout out one of his enterprise “帕尼多(徐州)信息科技有限公司”, has already registered several foreign-trademarks (English-wording) under different classes, partially connected to our industry-segment.

Litokol Trademark 2


Same thing – or even worse – happens when a research is triggered with focus on the Chinese version of the trademarks, as better specified in the Exhibit listed below. As you may easily understand, there are plenty registrations having a similar and/or identical wording [some people may even consider that they represent deceitful imitation, squatter or copycat brands] with our Company’s name.

Litokol Trademark 3


It can be seen that the Chinese trademarks registered by such person [Xiao Bao] may only be two words different from our Chinese trademarks (i.e. "Li Duo Ke Bi Ou" vs "Li Duo Ke"), while the English-wording trademarks are almost the same. The main difference between the original version of our trademarks and the alternative options created by Xiao Bao, sometimes it shall be traced back to the international classification under which the marks were registered: our products are mainly used in the field of building materials industry (i.e. building mortar, gypsum, cement, etc.); while his ones are randomly spread.


For your information, hereby we share all the official data connected to our Company [LITOKOL/丽多可], with the intent to let any interested party to easily recognize us from any other un-authorized individual/entity. More details can be easily find both on CTMO online database [http://wsjs.saic.gov.cn], as well as on other well-known Chinese website platform such as [https://www.tianyancha.com/] by simply researching our official Company name.

Litokol Trademark 4Litokol Trademark 5Litokol Trademark 6


Despite the above, Xiao Bao and “帕尼多(徐州)信息科技有限公司” are also well-known among Chinese media, because last March 2019 some news was published on the same topic by 今日头条 APP. The article was mainly focus on the similarity of the trademarks registered by Xiao Bao with those brands belonging both to foreign and domestic enterprises based in Mainland China. For more information, feel free to check the following link: [https://www.toutiao.com/i6671046521162564110]


It must be clear that we are not able to confirm whether the content of this article can be reliable and, therefore, our Company dissociates itself from the content and conclusion reached by such media. Our intent is to simply provide a comprehensive framework to our readers, who will be free to independently decided what kind of evaluation to draw from such events.


Here it is not possible to determine whether the actions and behavior performed by Xiao Bao and “帕尼多(徐州)信息科技有限公司” (including but not limited also to those Trademark Agencies that support him during the accomplishment of his goal) may or may not integrate a violation of the afore-mentioned rules. However, it can be an interesting topic on which the Authorities in charge may carried out further routine checks, if they deem it is necessary.









From a legal point of view, it is useful to keep in mind the clauses and principles state within PRC Trademark Law. According to the Article 57, any of the following acts shall be deemed to infringe the right of exclusive use of a registered trademark:

i.«Using a trademark that is identical with a registered trademark on the same kind of goods without obtaining licensing from the registrant of the registered trademark»; 
ii.«Using a trademark that is similar to a registered trademark on the same kind of goods, or using a trademark that is identical with or similar to the registered trademark on similar goods without obtaining licensing from the registrant of the registered trademark, and is likely to cause confusion»;
iii.«Selling goods that infringe on the exclusive right to the use of a registered trademark»;
iv.«Counterfeiting, or making without authorization, representations of another person's registered trademark, or selling such representations»;
v.«Altering a registered trademark without permission of its owner and selling goods bearing such an altered trademark on the market»;
vi.«Providing, intentionally, convenience for such acts as infringe upon others' exclusive right of trademark use, to facilitate others to commit infringement on the exclusive right of trademark use»
vii.«Impairing in other manners another person's exclusive right to the use of its registered trademark».

值得一提的是,新修订版的《中华人民共和国商标法》将于2019年11月1日生效,主要针对恶意注册现象。根据在高伟绅律师事务所官网(CLIFFORD CHANCE)上一篇新闻通讯发布的信息,新的修正案补充道,“任何无意使用的恶意申请都将被拒绝”

It is worth mentioning that a new amendment of the PRC Trademark Law will come into effect on November 1st, 2019 mainly focus to address registrations filed in bad faith. According to the information released by CLIFFORD CHANCE in its newsletter, the new amendment adds now that «any bad faith applications with no intent to use shall be rejected».


In addition to recognizing the bad faith registration issues for the first time at a legislative level, the amendment contemplates the following measures to curb and tackles this problem:

- 审查员直接驳回


- Outright rejection by examiners

The Article 4 allows trademark examiners to reject apparent bad faith applications at the examination stage. This is a welcome change considering typical squatting situations involving thousands of squatted marks held by a same application on the trademark registry.

- 品牌所有者的反对/撤销


- Opposition/cancellation by brand owners

Article 33 and 44 of the PRC Trademark Law now codify that making a bad faith application with no intent to use is a ground for opposition or cancellation. The amendment appears to provide clearer redress and hopefully will lessen the burden of the part of brand owners to clear the conflict on the registry.

- 商标代理机构须负法律责任


- Trademark agency shall be held liable

According to the Article 19, a trademark agency may not represent an applicant where it knows or should have known that the mark being applied for violates amended Article 4 (i.e. a bad faith application with no intent to use). Article 68 goes on to provide administrative penalties against trademark agencies that take on representations for bad faith registration.



We hope you enjoy reading it!

8月 02, 2019


最近一家法人代表为夏宝、名字为“帕尼多(徐州)信息科技有限公司”的企业引起了我们的注意,这家公司在中国大陆已经申请和注册了许多与我司名字(LITOKOL/丽多可)类似或相同的商标,对广大消费者造成了困惑。在此,我方回复大家对本事件的关注,希望能提供一些有用的情况说明。 It has come to our attention that an entity called “帕尼多(徐州)信息科技有限公司”, represented by its legal representative Xiao Bao, has filed and registered in Mainland China several trademarks quite similar/identical to our Company’s name [LITOKOL/丽多可], causing confusion among the public. Hereby we recall your attention on the main points of this case, with the aim to provide some useful clarifications. 根据在CTMO-中国商标局-公用数据库(http://wsjs.saic.gov.cn)上的可用信息显示,以夏宝个人名义已注册多个不同类别的外国商标(英文名),部分与我们行业部门相关。 According to the information available on CTMO – China Trademark Office – public database [http://wsjs.saic.gov.cn], it appears that Xiao Bao, throughout out one of his enterprise “帕尼多(徐州)信息科技有限公司”, has already registered several foreign-trademarks (English-wording) under different classes, partially connected to…
9月 26, 2018


CERSAIE(全称为“陶瓷砖与卫浴产品国际展”),是每年全球瓷砖、卫浴产品从业人员最重要的国际盛会。每年都会吸引超过十一万人前来参观,其中超过一半为国际观展者。   本年度的CERSAIE于2018年9月24-28日在意大利博洛尼亚举办。作为填缝剂行业的领导者,意大利丽多可股份有限公司受邀参加本届展览,展位位于31A展厅的A6。届时将展出丽多可的新产品、新设计。欢迎丽多可的经销商,以及喜爱丽多可品牌的消费者前来参观。
9月 25, 2018

丽多可参加2018年西班牙建筑陶瓷及卫生洁具展(CEVISAMA )

丽多可于2018年2月5日-9日参加了于西班牙伊比利亚半岛举办的第35届建筑陶瓷及卫生洁具展(CEVISAMA)。CEVISAMA是建材、陶瓷卫生洁具产品领域中最重要、最具影响力的全球性专业展览会之一。此次展会吸引了大量的建筑师、设计师、室内装潢设计者、以及来自全世界的买家,已成为了行业流行趋势。 丽多可的展位号是N2-P6展厅的C107位。展会上丽多可展出了墙面地面环氧填缝产品、表面处理产品以及新型找平扣。丽多可用专业和精湛的技术水平,不断推陈出新,为建筑行业提供了功能实用,精准可行的解决方案。
9月 24, 2018


2018年6月15日,丽多可于意大利北部鲁别拉市举行了盛大的五十周年庆典活动。   意大利丽多可股份有限公司1968年成立于意大利雷焦艾米利亚省,隶属于欧洲最富裕地区之一 — 艾米利亚-罗马涅大区。该区拥有全欧洲最优质的福利系统和强大的企业经济创新力。 当日,鲁别拉市市长埃马努埃莱·卡瓦拉罗、意大利雷焦艾米利亚瓷砖行业联合会高层以及来自全球各地的二百多位丽多可客户齐聚一堂。觥筹交错之际,共同庆祝丽多可半个世纪以来取得的卓越成就。   从左至右: 丽多可全球销售总监 亚历山德罗·图里尼 丽多可总裁 卢奇亚诺·科塔伐维先生 丽多可全球财务总监 法比奥·帕拉契先生 丽多可总裁卢奇亚诺·科塔伐维说道,“公司自成立50年以来,丽多可人每天都坚守在各自的岗位上为公司的发展贡献自己的一份力量。这不仅仅是促进了公司成长及利润的飞速增长也传递着实践卓越,尊重互敬的价值观载体,它激励着我们每一位在自己的工作领域内要竭尽所能,务求最好的精神。”所有这些都代表着公司的精神和我们对于未来的展望。  
9月 22, 2018


  6月15日周五,丽多可五十周年庆典活动正式拉开序幕。所有的嘉宾分组参观了鲁别拉镇的丽多可生产设施。工厂内每天生产约340吨的粘结剂、砂浆和树脂产品。 近期,丽多可的高新科技工厂和生产线吸引了大规模的投资。
7月 17, 2018




Litokol Building Materials (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd
15/F, Room 1511, Guang Qi Centre
No. 425 Yishan Road, Xuhui District, 200001, Shanghai, PRC

+86 (21) 542 535 88